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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah! Salam Sejahtera! Selamat Datang! Welcome to the blog “to love is to share”. You are set to connect with knowledge informations, articles, jokes, more and more blogs, etc, so for the meanwhile, do enjoy your visit. And if you have to go, don't forget to come back again. Lets we all, exclusively communicate, share, and discover interest for pleasure, funs and own benefits.. *** Sesungguhnya aku menulis bukan kerana nama, tetapi sekadar ingin berkongsi. Dan apa yang baik yang aku fikirkan, mungkin tidak pulak bagi pengunjungku. Oleh itu, aku mohon maaf dan aku tidak bertanggungjawab atas sebarang salah laku maupun sebarang kesulitan yang timbul akibat mengikuti apa yang aku kongsikan. Terima Kasih.. Sanggar Bayu I Say, What You Know Shapes Where You Go..

Thursday, February 3


Salaam guys, read on and enjoy.. thanks.

Salam dan selamat sejahtera kepada semua warga "to love is to share" . Semoga hari hari anda semua adalah seceria hujan yang turun membasahi bbumi sepanjang menanti kehadiran tahun baru. Satu tahun baru bagi masyarakat Tiong Hua dinegara kita dan seluruh dunia amnya..

Ah! hujan rahmat .. seperti kita yang perlu minum air tatkala kehausan, dahaga kekeringan dan air diperlukan untuk membasah tekak, membasah tubuh badan yang kering elak dari dihidrasi, lalu kekal tubuh badan yang sihat walafiat agar terus dapat menyumbang tenaga sebagai seorang yang produktif, demi agama, bangsa dan negara.. hahaha, bukan untuk merusuh diluar sana seperrti kekecohan dunia di negara Mesir a.k.a Egypt, sama seperti apa yang terjadi pada Anwar Sadat berpuluh tahun dulu. (hehehe, dah tak ingat berapa puluh tahun)

Namun didalam kekecohan rusuhan, kesulitan orang lain, terutamanya seperti Hosni Mubarak yang sedang dalam dilema, nak jadi autokratik ke? atau kekal bersikap sicular atau berubah menjadi demokratik.. jangan pulak kita menanguk di airr yang keroh. dah le hujan turun tanpa henti sepanjang malam hingga ke subuh , sudah tentu air didarrat, ditanah besar, dirumput kering atau dijalanan yang lengang, air juga tentu keroh sama seperti kekerohan air muka rakyat Mesir yang didalam dilema sekarang ini..

Ah! apa ku kisah! itu mereka dan bukan aku dan rakyat negara ku. hmm, tetapi perlu juga kita kisah sebab kita perlu belajar dari kesilapan orang lain, kita perlu juga belajar dari kemajuan orang lain. maka itu kita semua harus bijak, bijak menilai yang mana baik dan yang mana buruk. yang mana "anwar Sadat" dan yang mana "Hosni Mubarak", agar kita tidak menanggung duka tatkala semua bergembira merayakan tahun baru masing masing, perayaan masing masing, bersama keluarga, ibu bapa .. dan adik beradik, sanak saudara, sahabat andai serta rakan taulan..

Tum! Tum! Tum! kedengaran bunyi mercun berdentum sana sini menjelang tahun baru, itu tandanya kemeriahan suasana dan kegembiraan masyarakat yang meraikan tahun baru ini. dan harapan kita biar le ianya kekal sedemikian bergembira dan bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada, didalam masyarakat majmuk erat sesama kita , tanpa konflik tanpa kekecohan dan bukan meriam atau senapang yang berdentum tatkala semua bergembira...


Wednesday, February 2


Salaam guys, read on and enjoy.. thanks.

Happy New Year! Ha Ha Ha, this greeting should be said a month ago. But I guess it is still not too late for me to wish all friends and readers a very happy new year 2011.. it's better late than never, right! hehehe.

What a memorable moments indeed for me this year. Though was far from family and hometown, I was glad to be in the " LAND BELOW THE WIND ". 31st December 2010 was the moment of truth, which saw " two hearts that beat as one ".. It was since 1987, the first time I laid my footstep here. True indeed, when people mention about the "LAND BELOW THE WIND", it was so amazing.. with the wind blows, early in the morning , cold and shivering all night through before making our way up to the summit of Mount Kinabalu, the highest mountain in South East Asia. Just can't believe our eyes,looking at the sun rise..so beautiful as beautiful and good hospitality of the people and those around.. moments that ought not to be forget!

Well, after 24 years, I am back, still enjoying the good hospitality , though not by her own people but I am happy because "SHE" - (figure of speech) teaches me to be proud of my own country and nature that brought me up to understand about life, the relationship between human and human, human and the environment and not to forget between human and our creator..

Happy New Year! Happy New Year! laughters that shows happiness when receiving the new year 2011. bye bye to year 2010 but Challenges that will come without knowing exactly what they are going to be, either good or bad. But all must always be ready to face " COME WHAT MAY ", we will be there.. rain or shine?

Well guys, it was quite sometime, after the last post in year 2010, that I didn't put my fingers on my cute keyboard. Busy? I guess so but that is life, up and down, here and there.. Well, finally i got the time to spare a little bit though maybe, and for the first time , finally I make it to sent in my first post for year 2011. Hahaha.. now without wanting to let go my fingers off the NetBook keyboard..

What can i say! the fact is the fact, and running here and there, getting hands busy with the new year, more and more challenges will be faced in the next 11 months. But then again , what is near should be settle first before going in to depth . hmmm, greeting I must say to all for the Chinese New Year which will be celebrated tomorrrow, the year of the rabbit, 3rd February 2011.

To all my Tiong Hua friends, near or far, I would like to wish everyone a very happy and prosperous new year. Gong Xi Fa Chai Have a wonderful day and thank you.
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