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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah! Salam Sejahtera! Selamat Datang! Welcome to the blog “to love is to share”. You are set to connect with knowledge informations, articles, jokes, more and more blogs, etc, so for the meanwhile, do enjoy your visit. And if you have to go, don't forget to come back again. Lets we all, exclusively communicate, share, and discover interest for pleasure, funs and own benefits.. *** Sesungguhnya aku menulis bukan kerana nama, tetapi sekadar ingin berkongsi. Dan apa yang baik yang aku fikirkan, mungkin tidak pulak bagi pengunjungku. Oleh itu, aku mohon maaf dan aku tidak bertanggungjawab atas sebarang salah laku maupun sebarang kesulitan yang timbul akibat mengikuti apa yang aku kongsikan. Terima Kasih.. Sanggar Bayu I Say, What You Know Shapes Where You Go..

Thursday, September 23

Diet o Diet

Assalamualaikum! Salam Sejahtera!

Dikesempatan kita masih berada dibulan Syawal, dengan "open house" sana sini, oleh Pemimpin-pemimpin Negara/Negeri, Syarikat-syarikat Koporat, Orang perseorangan, dari yang besar besar hingalah ke orang kebanyakan.. sudah tentu kita tidak akan tertinggal untuk mengambil kesempatan ke "open house" ini. dan sudah tentu akan terhidang lah pelbagai makanan serta minuman yang untuk santapan semua hadirian yang berbilang.

So, apa kata kita berkongsi satu jadual diet yang boleh diikuti jika inginmengamalkan diet untuk kesihatan tubuh badan dan disamping berusaha untuk melangsingkan badan, agar kelihatan lebih menarik serta sihat..

Terima kasih kepada "sumber" maklumat jadual ini sebagai panduan untuk dikongsi bersama kepada pengunjung blog ini, sekurang kurangnya boleh kita jadikan sebagai satu dorongan untuk mencapai matlamat yang ingin digapai, kalau pun begitu jauh untuk tangan mengapainya tetapi bersemangat untuk melakukannya..hahahaha


Blog ini sekadar untuk berkongsi apa yang baik difikirkan oleh saya, tetapi mungkin apa yang baik bagi saya tidak pulak begitu pada anda, jadi jadikan petua ini sekadar untuk mempastikan keberkesanan apa yang dikongsikan. Dan jika itu berlaku, Blog "TO LOVE IS TO SHARE" tidak bertanggungjawab diatas sebarang kesulitan yang timbul akibat mengikuti petua yang dikongsi ini. Wasalaam.

bangun tidur, therapy dengan air masak, dan makan 3-5 biji kurma

sarapan - 7.30-8.30 segelas oat/2 biji telur setengah masak/roti bakar

lunch - 12.30-1.30 sedikit nasi, lebihkan sayur dan lauk

Minum petang - 3.30-4.30 - coffee/tea - 1/2 kuih/capati

dinner - 6.30-7.30 roti/biscuit/fruit/sup

supperr - segelas susu

banyakkan minum air kosong.

Sunday, September 19


Salaam guys, read on and enjoy.. thanks.

ha, tengah buat sedikit "house keeping" pada outlook express saya pagi tadi, saya teringat balik article ini yang pernah saya kongsikan kat satu mailing list tempatan. bila saya membaca semula article ini, saya ingin sangat berkongsi kembali kat blog ini, sebagai halwa matadan telinga kita , sedikit demi sedikit, memberi peluang kepada kita sama sama dapat merasa kisah suka dan duka dikenang kembali , diakhir akhir meniti usia yang hendak sampai ke penghujungnya.

Namun, penglaman, cerita suka duka yang dikongsi, seolah olah turut memberi pengajaran kepada genrasi muda untuk terus menghargai nikmat dan rahmat ALLAH S.W.T, yang maha esa kurniakan kepada kita, untuk tidak dipersia siakan, don't mess your life kerana tiada yang tidak boleh diperbetulkan kecuali mati.

Insya allah, semuanya terletak ditangan kita, either you want to be in control or out of control..

--- "reforward article"

Twenty years ago, I drove a cab for a living. It was a cowboy's life, a life for someone who wanted no boss. What I didn't realize was that it was also a ministry. Because I drove the night shift, my cab became a moving confessional. Passengers climbed in, sat behind me in total anonymity, and told me about their lives. I encountered people whose lives amazed me, ennobled me, made me laugh and weep. But none touched me more than a woman I picked up late one August night.

I responded to a call from a small brick fourplex in a quiet part of town. I assumed I was being sent to pick up some partiers, or someone who had just had a fight with a lover, or a worker heading to an early shift at some factory in the industrial part of town. When I arrived at 2:30 a.m., the building was dark except for a single light in a ground floor window.

Under these circumstances, many drivers would just honk once or twice, wait a minute, then drive away. But I had seen too many impoverished people who depended on taxis as their only means of transportation. Unless a situation smelled of danger, I always went to the door. This passenger might be someone who needed my assistance, I reasoned to myself. So I walked to the door and knocked.

"Just a minute," answered a frail, elderly voice. I could hear something being dragged across the floor. After a long pause, the door opened. A small woman in her 80s stood before me. She was wearing a print dress and a pillbox hat with a veil pinned on it, like somebody out of a 1940's movie. By her side was a small nylon suitcase. The apartment looked as if no one had lived in it for years. All the furniture was covered with sheets. There were no clocks on the walls, no knick-knacks or utensils on the counters. In the corner was a cardboard box filled with photos and glassware.

"Would you carry my bag out to the car?" she said.

I took the suitcase to the cab, then returned to assist the woman. She took my arm and we walked slowly toward the curb. She kept thanking me for my kindness.

"It's nothing," I told her. "I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother treated."

"Oh, you're such a good boy," she said.

When we got in the cab, she gave me an address, then asked, "Could you drive through downtown?"

"It's not the shortest way," I answered quickly.

"Oh, I don't mind," she said. "I'm in no hurry. I'm on my way to a hospice".

I looked in the rearview mirror. Her eyes were glistening.

"I don't have any family left," she continued. "The doctor says I don't have very long."

I quietly reached over and shut off the meter.

"What route would you like me to take?" I asked.

For the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me the building where she had once worked as an elevator operator. We drove through the neighborhood where she and her husband had lived when they were newlyweds. She had me pull up in front of a furniture warehouse that had once been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl. Sometimes she'd ask me to slow in front of a particular building or corner and would sit staring into the darkness, saying nothing.

As the first hint of sun was creasing the horizon, she suddenly said, "I'm tired. Let's go now."

We drove in silence to the address she had given me. It was a low building, like a small convalescent home, with a driveway that passed under a portico. Two orderlies came out to the cab as soon as we pulled up. They were solicitous and intent, watching her every move. They must have been expecting her. I opened the trunk and took the small suitcase to the door. The woman was already seated in a wheelchair.

"How much do I owe you?" she asked, reaching into her purse.

"Nothing," I said.

"You have to make a living," she answered.

"There are other passengers," I responded.

Almost without thinking, I bent and gave her a hug. She held onto me tightly.

"You gave an old woman a little moment of joy," she said. "Thank you."

I squeezed her hand, then walked into the dim morning light. Behind me, a door shut. It was the sound of the closing of a life.

I didn't pick up any more passengers that shift. I drove aimlessly, lost in thought. For the rest of that day, I could hardly talk. What if that woman had gotten an angry driver, or one who was impatient to end his shift? What if I had refused to take the run, or had honked once, then driven away? On a quick review, I don't think that I have done very many more important things in my life.

We're conditioned to think that our lives revolve around great moments. But great moments often catch us unaware - beautifully wrapped in what others may consider small ones.

"author unknown"

Friday, September 17

Sanggar Bayu

Salaam guys, read on and enjoy.. thanks.

Sanggar Bayu

Panas yang membakar bumi Hangus segala kehijauan Langit menjadi kelabu Hilang segala kebiruan Dalam terik panas ini Aku rindu pada hujan Aku rindu pada tiupan angin Sanggar bayu kan ku dirikan

Sungguh kejamnya manusia Tangan yang penuh dengan dosa Memusnahkan segala-galanya Hati tak bertimbang rasa Sanggar bayu ku dirikan

Tempat laluan sang angin Burung-burung berkicauan Di lubuk ikan bermain oooooooooo (cores) Dalam terik panas ini Aku rindu pada hujan Aku rindu pada tiupan angin Sanggar bayu kan ku dirikan

Sungguh kejamnya manusia Tangan yang penuh dengan dosa Memusnahkan segala-galanya Hati tak bertimbang rasa Sanggar bayu ku dirikan Tempat laluan sang angin Burung-burung berkicauan Di lubuk ikan bermain

Sunday, September 12

Hotel Bill!

Salaam guys, read on and enjoy.. thanks.

Ha, sementara masih didalam mood raya, jom kita berkongsi cerita penglaman sepasang "warga emas" , menginap disebuah hotel "berbintang bintang" didalam perjalanan mereka ke satu destinasi yang hendak dituju. Mungkin anda juga mengalami pengalaman yang sama ketika "transit" didalam perjalan balik kampung untuk merayakan adil fitri bersama ibu bapa, adik beradik, sanak saudara serta sahabat taulan dikampung..

Ini cuma sebuah cerita humour, boleh kita jadikan satu teladan atau contoh sebagai bekalan kita, jika disatu masa kita berdepan dengan situasi sebegini.. well guys, this is just a "joke" story for us to remember , just in case we are stuck in a situation like this outside.. hahahaha, enjoy!

---- "reforward article"

Today's Chuckle - The Hotel Bill

A married couple are traveling by car from Victoria to Prince George . Being Seniors, after almost eleven hours on the road, they were too tired to continue, and decided to take a room. But, they only planned to sleep for four hours and then get back on the road. When they checked out four hours later, the desk clerk handed them a bill for $350.00.

The man explodes and demands to know why the charge is so high. He told the clerk although it's a nice hotel; the rooms certainly aren't worth $350.00 for four hours. Then the clerk tells him that $350.00 is the 'standard rate'. He insisted on speaking to the Manager.

The Manager appears, listens to him, and then explains that the hotel has an Olympic-sized pool and a huge conference centre that were available for us to use.'But we didn't use them," the husband said. ''Well, they are here, and you could have," explained the Manager.

The Manager went on to explain that the couple could also have taken in one of the shows for which the hotel is famous. "We have the best entertainers from New York , Hollywood , and Las Vegas perform here," the Manager says.

"But we didn't go to any of those shows," the husband said. "Well, we have them, and you could have," the Manager replied.

No matter what amenity the Manager mentioned, the husband replied, "But we didn't use it!"

The Manager is unmoved, and eventually the husband gave up and agreed to pay. As he didn't have the check book he asked his wife to write the check. She did and gave it to the Manager.

The Manager is surprised when he looks at the check. "But ma'am, this is only made out for $50.00."

''That's correct. I charged you $300.00 for sleeping with me," she replied.

"But I didn't!" exclaims the Manager.

"Well, too bad, I was here, and you could have."

The moral of the story:
"Don't mess with senior citizens. They didn't get there by being stupid."

"author unknown"

Friday, September 10

Surat Seorang Ibu - Menjelang Aidil Fitri

Salaam guys, read on and enjoy.. thanks.

.. Terusik dengan tontonan video pendek "surat seorang ibu", maka dengan izin saya mohon menterjemahkan didalam perkataan suara isi hati seorang ibu terhadap anak anaknya, anak anak yang terlalu sibuk membantu masyarakat tetapi tiada masa untuk membantu kehidupan seorang ibu yang sunyi..

Menjelang Adil Fitri..

Seorang Ibu terus menanti kepulangan anak anaknya.. entah Adil Fitri kali ini berubah atau sama seperti tahun tahun sebelumnya..


Untuk anak anak yang Emak sangat rindukan..

Masa berlalu sangat cepat sekali. Emak teringat sangat kerenah Adik,suka sangat main doktor doktor. Adik minat sangat nak jadi doktor.

Hmmm hehehe, sampai corong air Emak dibuat main doktor doktor.

Adik minat sangat nak jadi doktor. Tetapi selalunya Emak lah yang jadi doktor Adik. Doktor yang ada bila bila masa yang diperlukan

".. tak pa masa bila bila Adik sakit, Emak yang jadi doktor adik, boleh?"

"Nanti Adik nak belajar rajin rajin."

"Bila besar nanti, Adik nak jadi doktor."

" Kalau Emak sakit, bila bila masa je Adik boleh ubat Emak."

Kadangkala Emak bertanya, "adakah nanti anak anak boleh lakukan perkara yang sama kepada Emak"

Emak minta maaf sekiranya Emak terlalu mendesak Adik dan Along untuk belajar bersungguh sunguh. Adik rajin, Along pula hmm hehehe, selalu merungut.

Satu hari tu, Along merungut lukisan Along tak cantik. Dan Emak cuba tolong Along.

Walaupun Along cakap lukisan Along tak cantik, pada Emak itu le lukisan yang paling cantik yang pernah Emak lihat.

"Along nak jadi Photographer." Along kata, "nak ambil gambar kita keluarga selalu."

Sekarang Along dah jadi Photographer yang berjaya. Tapi, kita masih belum ambil gambar sekeluarga. Sementara itu, lukisan Along tu Emak gantung dalam bilik Emak. Itu le satu satu gambar keluarga kita yang Emak ada.

"Hello Emak, Along busy ni.. nanti Along call balik. Bye"

Masa berlalu sangat cepat. Along dan Adik dah pun berjaya. Cuma kadangkala bukan Emak tak tahu Adik dan Along sibuk. Cuma Emak ni, sunyi sangat.

Orang ada cakap, Emak gila. Tunggu anak anak setiap hari. Kerana pada Emak, itu le hiburan Emak.

Selalu juga emak mendial separuh jalan. takut sangat menggangu Adik dan Along. Emak tahu, anak anak Emak sibuk.

Tapi satu hari tu , Emak memang terdesak. Sakit Emak semakin teruk. Ada Emak telefon anak anak, tapi seperti biasa semuanya sibuk.

"Hai Emak, Emak apa khabar" "Emak sihat, cuma ...."

"Emak, nanti adik telefon balik, ada patient tunggu lah"

Bila mana Emak rasa penghujung Emak dah tiba. Emak cuba nak cakap emak sangat rindu Adik dan Along.

"Jika berdosa Emak membesarkan kamu berdua, Emak pohon Adik dan Along , ampun kan lah Emak.."

Salam Adil Fitri

Assalamualaikum! Salaam Sejahtera!

1 Syawal 1431 Hijrah bersamaan 10 September 2010..


Allahhu Akhbar, Allahhu Akhbar, Allahhu Akhbar
La illah ha ilallah Allahhu Akhbar
Allahhu Akhbar Wa lillah ilhammm..

Alhamdulillah, sempat lagi bertemu dengan syawal 1431 Hijrah.. walaupun Syawal kali ini tanpa Ayah disisi, mencium tangan Ayah untuk memohon kemaafan dan keredhaannya. Arwah Ayah telah terlebih dulu dijemput pulang pada 28 Zulhijah 1430 Hijrah bersamaan 16 Disember 2009..


Walau apa apa pun, saya ingin menyampaikan salam Adil Fitri, serta memohon ampun dan maaf kepada semua pengunjung blog "to love is to share" jika semasa mengendalikan blog ini, sama ada sengaja maupun tidak, terdapat tutur kata @ tulisan saya yang telah menyinggung perasan atau menguris hati kalian. Dan juga kepada kawan kawan, maaf zahir batin saya pohon, minta halalkan apa yang termakan maupun terminum semasa kita bersama..

Dengan kesempatan ini saya ingin mengucapkan selamat hari raya adil fitri kepada semua, maaf zahir dan batin. Pesan saya berhati hati le dijalan raya, sama ada menjadi pemandu, penumpang maupun pejalan kaki. Utamakan le keselamatan kalian semasa balik berhari raya dikampung atau pergi menziarahi sanak saudara, kawan kawan maupun ke mana mana rumah terbuka pemimpin pemimpin negara kita.

Tetapi ingat, didalam kita bergembira, jangan lupa pula pada yang berduka.. Disamping fikir fikirkan le juga tantang kesihatan kita agar tidak terlalu mengikut perasaan ketika menjamu selera dan yang paling penting jangan membazzir..





-SRS@VM- Have a wonderful day & thank you.
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