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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah! Salam Sejahtera! Selamat Datang! Welcome to the blog “to love is to share”. You are set to connect with knowledge informations, articles, jokes, more and more blogs, etc, so for the meanwhile, do enjoy your visit. And if you have to go, don't forget to come back again. Lets we all, exclusively communicate, share, and discover interest for pleasure, funs and own benefits.. *** Sesungguhnya aku menulis bukan kerana nama, tetapi sekadar ingin berkongsi. Dan apa yang baik yang aku fikirkan, mungkin tidak pulak bagi pengunjungku. Oleh itu, aku mohon maaf dan aku tidak bertanggungjawab atas sebarang salah laku maupun sebarang kesulitan yang timbul akibat mengikuti apa yang aku kongsikan. Terima Kasih.. Sanggar Bayu I Say, What You Know Shapes Where You Go..

Friday, October 21

Belajar Hidup dari Burung Helang

Salaam guys, read on and enjoy.. thanks.

Helang merupakan jenis unggas yang mempunyai umur paling panjang didunia. Umurnya dapat mencapai 70 tahun. Tetapi untuk mencapai umur sepanjang itu seekor Helang harus membuat suatu keputusan yang sangat berat pada umurnya yang ke 40. Ketika Helang berumur 40 tahun, cakarnya mulai menua, paruhnya menjadi panjang dan membengkok hingga hampir menyentuh dadanya. Sayapnya menjadi sangat berat kerana bulunya telah tumbuh lebat dan tebal, sehingga sangat menyulitkan waktu terbang. Pada saat itu, Helang hanya mempunyai dua pilihan:

1. Menunggu kematian,


2. mengalami suatu proses transformasi yang sangat menyakitkan suatu proses transformasi yang panjang selama 150 hari.

Untuk melakukan transformasi itu, Helang harus berusaha keras terbang ke atas puncak gunung untuk kemudian membuat sarang di tepi jurang , berhenti dan tinggal disana selama proses transformasi berlangsung.

Pertama-tama, Helang harus mematukkan paruhnya pada batu karang sampai paruh tersebut terlepas dari mulutnya, kemudian berdiam beberapa lama menunggu tumbuhnya paruh baru. Dengan paruh yang baru tumbuh itu, ia harus mencabut satu persatu cakar-cakarnya dan ketika cakar yang baru sudah tumbuh, ia akan mencabut bulu badannya satu demi satu. Suatu proses yang panjang dan menyakitkan. Lima bulan kemudian, bulu-bulu elang yang baru sudah tumbuh.

Helang mulai dapat terbang kembali. Dengan paruh dan cakar baru, Helang tersebut mulai menjalani 30 tahun kehidupan barunya dengan penuh bertenaga!

Kesimpulannya, dalam kehidupan kita ini, kekadang kita juga harus melakukan suatu keputusan yang sangat berat untuk memulai sesuatu proses pembaharuan. Kita harus berani dan sanggup membuang semua kebiasaan lama yang mengikat, meskipun kebiasaan lama itu adalah sesuatu yang menyenangkan dan melenakan.

Kita harus rela untuk meninggalkan perilaku lama kita agar kita dapat mulai terbang lagi menggapai tujuan yang lebih baik di masa depan. Hanya bila kita bersedia melepaskan beban lama, membuka diri untuk belajar hal-hal yang baru, kita baru mempunyai kesempatan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan kita yang terpendam, mengasah keahlian baru dan menatap masa depan dengan penuh keyakinan.

Halangan terbesar dan utama untuk berubah terletak di dalam diri sendiri dan andalah sang penguasa atas diri anda. Jangan biarkan masa lalu menumpulkan asa dan melayukan semangat kita. Anda adalah Helang-Helang itu.

Perubahan pasti terjadi. Maka itu, kita harus berubah!

Di usia kita saat ini rasanya sisa umur kita tidak sepanjang usia Helang tapi kita memiliki otak yang mampu kita gunakan untuk melakukan transformasi kita juga punya hati yang akan memberikan tenaga yang luar biasa agar kita mampu merubah kehidupan kita menjadi lebih berqualiti tanpa harus menyakiti diri secara fisikal . Tuhan memberikan kita otak yang akan terus berkembang jika digunakan secara benar, kita juga diberikan hati agar tahu kegunaanya sehingga jalan kita tidak tersesat.


Thursday, October 20

The Secret of Happiness

Salaam guys, read on and enjoy.. thanks.

Now where do we put ourselves in this matter? Manage to find the secret? After reading, what do you get out of the common sence the author is trying to tell, and any same story that we can tell others too?

Well guys, that is all for you to answer, not to tell anyone but deep inside , on your own stake of mind to think what is best for you to take necessary action either for being happy or just for pleasure. Nak rasa gembira atau sekadar seronok dalam setiap hal yang anda lakukan. so cari le rahsia kegembiraan disebalik keseronokan yang anda mungkin alami, positif atau negatif.. What is your choice?

I say, "Look before you leap" and here just would like to share what is best for everybody to read and understand the secret they say out of this short article. Enjoy!


The Secret of Happiness

It cannot be derived from pleasures alone.

MY brother-in-law, Yu Jin, once remarked to me: "Your face changes when you eat ice-cream. It literally lights up."

One of my favourite things in the world is ice-cream, and I've always said that ice-cream makes me extremely happy.

Yet, when I think about it, I wonder if consuming ice-cream makes me happy, or if it simply gives me pleasure.

There is an important distinction between the two, however similar they may be.

Experiencing pleasure is one of the most exhilarating feelings in the world. Our hearts may beat a little faster; our energy levels surge and we may even smile or laugh a little more than usual.

The problem with feelings of pleasure is that it is so closely linked to our emotions that it cannot possibly last.

Phrases like "moments of pleasure" or "a rush of pleasure" are often used for a reason - pleasure graces us with its presence but it also leaves without saying goodbye.

The question to ask is, when the euphoria is gone, do you feel happy, or empty?

I now acknowledge that having ice-cream does not give me happiness, it simply gives me pleasure.

Simply as it may seem, that is an important realisation.

I would feel very good as I consume a pint of ice-cream, but after the pint is gone, I would feel guilty. What's worse, I would feel fat.

Is that happiness? Of course not.

This does not mean that I would write-off eating ice-cream. Nothing is wrong with experiencing pleasure, but indulging too much would mean that the moment's pleasure could turn into long-term unhappiness.

This applies across the board to so many things in our lives. If we are always dependent on external factors to give us joy, it only makes sense that we would be unhappy, sad or depress if we are without them.

Sometimes, the pleasure we experience brings no regret or sadness, but it does create a void that needs to be constantly filled.

For example, when we purchase an expensive or coveted item, we would feel on top of the world as we leave the store and take it home.

After a few weeks, this highly-prized item would no longer be perceived as special. If it was a vase, you would have gotten used to seeing it sitting in your dining room. If it was a car, you'd have gotten used to driving it.

One of my friends has a beautiful black Hermès Birkin bag, and she said something that made me think.

"After I buy something, it'd just become one of my many things. I'd leave my bag on the floor, or chuck it somewhere in the house. It's expensive, but it becomes normal after I've had it for a while."

That applies to people as well. If you're marrying someone just because they're physically beautiful, you'll soon fail to see the beauty that had once captivated you so.

Attaining material things or having sex with different people give us great pleasure, but it leads us down a path of always seeking the next rush of pleasure.

Feeling desirable leads to a false sense of self-worth, which is why it convinces those with insecurities that flattery, praises and sexual conquests can compensate for feelings of inadequacy.

The problem is that pleasure is so temporary that the feeling of increased self-worth fades as quickly as it began, after which we are back at square one.

We don't often stop and think about what our ultimate goal in life is - we think long and hard about our dreams and ambitions, or where we'd like to travel to, what we'd like to eat and how much money we'd like to make; but what does having all that lead us?

We hope that it will lead us to happiness. Let's think about this for a moment.

Sometimes, in the pursuit of happiness, we get derailed and forget that we are pursuing happiness, and not simply pleasure.

When we confirm a holiday, we are happy. When we at the airport, we are very happy. When we find out that the flight has been delayed, we are extremely unhappy. When we arrive in Paris, we are happy. When our hotel room has no towels, we are unhappy.

Did our holiday make us happy, or unhappy?

What I find most difficult in life is to be constantly happy. Happiness is a state of mind that is at peace and free from anger or desires; yet as human beings, we are so reliant on situations, circumstances and people to be happy.

In his book, Message from the Masters, Brian Weiss M.D. said, "Happiness comes from within. It is not dependent on external things or on other people. You become vulnerable and can be easily hurt when your feelings of security and happiness depend on the behavior and actions of other people. Never give your power to anyone else."

So much of our worry, stress, fear and heartaches are because we allow people to affect how we feel. If you have a boss and he was nasty to you, you'd feel anger and depressed. If you have a boyfriend who broke up with you, you'd feel worthless and dispensable.

Ending a relationship with someone because they "don't make us happy" sounds absurd when you think about it. We are not responsible for the happiness of another, and even if we were, we do not have the power to ensure another human being's happiness.

What we able to do in a relationship is to fully utilise the tools that lead to happiness - pleasure, appreciation, understanding and love. In doing that, a couple is able to find happiness together. Pleasure is only one of the many subsets of happiness, and happiness cannot be derived from pleasures alone.

Happiness is within our own control, and we can determine whether to allow the simple pleasures in life to lead us to happiness.

Think about it. If we are always dependent upon the big pleasures in life to make us happy - when we are given a pay rise or promotion, when we are given a big diamond ring or when we strike the lottery - then we can only ever be happy a few times in our lives.

Simple pleasures are usually just the sun, a roof over our head, a friendly smile or a loving family, but it is hard for us to appreciate the value of simple pleasures until we lose them all; such is human nature.

Yet, not all of us are of this mindset. There are people who have found the secret to their own happiness.

How else can someone who is ill, be happy? How can someone who is handicapped and can't move at all, be happy?

How can someone who seems to have very little be happy, yet someone who has it all - health, family, love and support - be unhappy?

What I do know is that our toolbox of happiness consists of kindness, compassion, appreciation and love, and these are tools that are free and available to anyone who wants them.

Ego, pride and selfishness simply do not exist in the toolbox of happiness. Such a shame if we would think otherwise.

[ Anonymous ]

Wednesday, October 19

6 One-Minute Tips To Extend Your Lifespan

Salaam guys, read on and enjoy.. thanks.

6 One-Minute Tips To Extend Your Lifespan

Healthier habits don't always require a big time commitment. Check out these one-minute health tips from Dr. Mehmet Oz that can add years to your life.

1. Step It Up: People who sit for four or more hours each day have a 50 percent greater risk of dying from any cause than those who sit less than two hours per day. Get up at least once every hour and walk around for a minute.

2. Egg-celent Idea: One egg provides 13 percent of your daily protein requirement at a "cost" of only 4 percent of your calorie intake. It also offers lutein, choline and other powerhouse nutrients. Eggs are tasty any time of day, so it should be easy to add one to your healthy diet.

3. Take Chromium: This trace mineral helps maintain proper blood sugar levels by increasing your cells' sensitivity to insulin. A healthy dose is 200 micrograms each day of chromium polynicotinate.

4. Remember To Floss: Bacteria between teeth will infect your gums and enter your bloodstream, where they can cause inflammation and contribute to plaque buildup on blood vessel walls.

5. Know Your Pulse: Before you get out of bed each morning, check your pulse by pressing your index and middle fingers against the inside of your wrist. Count the beats for 30 seconds and double that number. A normal resting rate is 60 beats per minute; if your number is 90 or higher, you could be at risk for heart disease.

6. Massage Stress Away: Stress damages every organ in your body, but you can relieve stress with self massage. Press your thumbs against the sides of your nose just below your browbone; then walk your index and middle fingers across your brows and finish by lightly rubbing your temples.


Tuesday, May 3


Salaam guys, read on and enjoy.. thanks.

A second chance

Hey friends read on this nice mail please It's another morning.. ..... Again I have to go to office.

Ohh, this is me... I shouted having a glance on my snap in today's news paper. But what the HELL it is doing in the death column??


One sec... Let me think, last night when I was going to bed I had a severe pain in my chest, but I don't remember anything after that, I think I had a sound sleep.

Its morning now, ohh...... It's already 10:00 AM, where is my coffee? I will be late for office .

Where is everyone....??? I screamed.

"I think there is a crowd outside my room, let me check." I said to myself.

So many people...... Not all of them crying.... But why some of them crying...

WHAT IS THIS??? I m laying there on the floor...

"I AM HERE" ... I shouted!!! No one listen.

"LOOK I AM NOT DEAD" ... I screamed once again!!! No one is interested in me.

They all were looking at me on the bed.

I went back to my bed room.

"Am I dead??" I asked myself.

Where is my wife, my children, my mom-DAD, my friends?

I found them in the next room, all of them were crying... still trying to console each other..

My wife was crying... she was really looking sad.

My little kid was not sure what happened, but he was crying just coz his mom was sad.

How can I go without saying my kid that I really love him, I really do care of him. ?? How can I go without saying my wife that she is really most beautiful and most caring wife in this world..?? How can I go without saying my parents that I m ... just because of u ?? How can I go without telling my friends that without them perhaps I have done most of the wrong things in my life... thanks for being there always when I need them... and sorry for not being there when they really need me..

I can see a person standing in the corner and trying to hide his tears... Ohh... he was once my best friend, but a small misunderstanding made us part, and we both have strong enough ego to keep us disconnect.

I went there.. And offered him my hand, "Dear friend.... I just want to say sorry for everything, we r still best friend, please forgive me."

No response from the other side, what the hell?? He is still preserving his ego, I am saying sorry... even then!!! I really don't care for such people.

But one sec.... it seems he is not able to see me!!!! He did not see my extended hand. My goodness... AM I REALLY DEAD???

I just sat down near ME; I was also feeling like crying...

"Ohh GOD!!!! PLEASE JUST GIVE ME A FEW MORE DAYS..." I just wasn't to make my wife, my parents; my friends realize that how much I love them.

My wife entered in the room, she looks beautiful. "YOU R BEAUTIFUL" I shouted. She didn't hear my words, in fact she never heard these words coz I never said this to her..

"GOD!!!!" I screamed... a little more time plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.. I cried...

One more chance please... to hug my child, to make my mom smile just once, to feel my dad proud on me at least for a moment, to say sorry to my friends for everything I have not given to them, and thanks for still being in my life....

Then I looked up and cried!!!!

I shouted....


"You shouted in your sleep," said my wife as she gently woke me up. "Did you have a nightmare?"

I was sleeping.... Ohh that was just a dream.....

My wife was there... she can hear me... This is the happiest moment of my life... I hugged her and whispered.... "U R THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND CARING WIFE IN THIS UNIVERSE....

I can't understand the reason of the smile on her face with some tears in her eyes, still I m happy.... :) "THANK YOU GOD FOR THIS SECOND? CHANCE."

So, it's not late.. Forget your egos, past............, and express your affection for others.......... Be friendly................ keep smiling and be happy for ever......Think good...Be positive... Fulfill your dreams which you keep it to yourself... Be open and tell them if you love some one secretly... Let them know if you really love them and care for them Remember... we have only one life to live.. All are not so lucky to get a "second chance"


Sunday, March 27

A Little Fairy Tale!

Salaam guys, read on and enjoy.. thanks.

Happy Sunday and Good day to all!

Jokes! Nothing more than just a jokes! hahaha, i can handle it, and at the same time having a good laugh..

the other side of the women story! even, i guess!!!



A married couple in their early 60s was celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary in a quiet, romantic little restaurant. Suddenly, a tiny yet beautiful fairy appeared on their table.

She said, 'For being such an exemplary married couple and for being loving to each other for

all this time, I will grant you each a wish.'

The wife answered, 'Oh, I want to travel around the world with my darling husband.' The fairy waved her magic wand and - poof! - two tickets for the Queen Mary II appeared

in her hands.

The husband thought for a moment: 'Well, this is all very romantic, but an opportunity like

this will never come again. I'm sorry my love, but my wish is to have a wife
30 years younger than me.'

The wife, and the fairy, were deeply disappointed, but a wish is a wish. So the fairy waved her magic wand and poof ! ... the husband became 92 years old. :)

Moral of the story: Men who are ungrateful should also remember fairies are females ...



Wife Versus Dog!

Salaam guys, read on and enjoy.. thanks.


... only for men! women, stay away from this post! don't tell me i don't warned you.. lol!

good Sunday, I guess! hahaha..

enjoy reading, and remember this is just a joke. nothing in particular.. nothing against women, ladies or wives..

hmmm.. reading this, brighten my day. and hope yours too! can help my hands knocking on the keyboard to sent in this joke. enjoy reading!



Why some Men Have Dogs And Not Wives:

1. The later you are, the more excited your dogs are to see you.

2. Dogs don't notice if you call them by another dog's name.

3. Dogs like it if you leave a lot of things on the floor.

4. A dog's parents never visit.

5. Dogs agree that you have to raise your voice to get your point across.

6. You never have to wait for a dog; they're ready to go 24 hours a day.

7. Dogs like to go hunting and fishing.

8. A dog will not wake you up at night to ask, "If I died, would you get another dog?"

9. A dog will let you put a studded collar on it without calling you a pervert.

10. If a dog smells another dog on you, they don't get mad. They just think it's interesting.

11. Dogs like to ride in the back of a pickup truck.

And last, but not least:

12. If a dog leaves, it won't take half of your stuff.

To test this theory: Lock your wife and your dog in the garage for an hour. Then open it and see who's happy to see you!

Honeymoon Story!

Salaam guys, read on and enjoy.. thanks.

good sunday all. having a good laugh too? hahahaha

i guess it happened, don't you think so? so parents, especially mothers, be prepared. lol!

the other side of the story! now , what do you think? read on! arn't that bad, hahahah, after all..


Please excuse the rough language in the following story. I would have deleted it, but the story just wouldn't be the same ...

A young couple married and went on their honeymoon. When they returned, the bride called her mother immediately. "Well," said her mother, "how was the honeymoon?" "Oh Mama", she replied, "the honeymoon was wonderful! So romantic"...... Suddenly she burst out crying. "But, Mama, as soon as we returned, Sam started using the most horrible language - things I'd never heard before! I mean, all these awful 4-letter words! You've got to take me home! PLEASE MAMA!" "Sarah, Sarah", her mother said, "calm down! You need to stay with your husband and work this out. Now, tell me, what could be so awful? WHAT
4-letter words?" "Please don't make me tell you, Mama," wept the daughter. "I'm so embarrassed, they're just too awful! COME GET ME, PLEASE!!" "Darling, baby, you must tell me what has you so upset. Tell your mother these horrible 4-letter words!" Sobbing, the bride said, "Oh, Mama..., he used words like: dust, wash, iron, and cook..."

"I'll pick you up in twenty minutes," said the mother.

Wednesday, March 9

" Flashing Firmware " - Siri Akhir...

Salaam guys, read on and enjoy.. thanks.


Siri Akhir: Flashing Firmware..

Salaam dan selamat sejahtera kepada semua Warga "to love is to share" , yang secara eksklusif anda semua telah dihidangkan dengan beberapa siri Borak Belalang Tutorial - " Flashing Firmware " ...

Dan saya percaya didalam siri yang lepas, anda semua telah mengikuti tutorial serta memahami selok belok , bersedia baik dari segi fisikal malah dari sudut mental untuk melakukan proses "Flashing Firmware" terhadap target iaitu phone anda yang unhackable ..

Untuk siri akhir ini, saya percaya semua tools telah anda simpan dan telah melakukan proses "Cooking" dan program Phoenix serta firmware phone anda telah diinstall kat pc anda ...

ok, seblum anda memulakan proses "Flashing Firmware" , anda perlu bersedia dengan files seperti berikut:

#1- Modified UDA Pre Hacked File.

#2- Patches.rar (ambil folder Patches yang telah di extract sahaja, terdapat 3 files didalamnya..)

(Sebaiknya, create Temporary folder dan masuk kan file diatas kedalamnya..)

*** connect phone anda kat pc ..

#1- run phoenix. tunggu seketika hingga screen reader anda sebut "phoenix"..

#2- kemudian buka file menu, cursor ke "open product", cari RM-(phone anda( dan tap ke ok button..

#3- masuk file menu lagi, cursor ke "scan product" dan select. secara automatik phone anda, contoh E5 saya .. RM-632 042.014 akan Phoenix detect, lihat kat bawah sekali(guna JAWS cursor)..

#4- Masuk Flashing menu, cursor ke bawah ke "firmware update" dan select. tunggu seketika dan tap ke "options button"..

#5- Tap satu kali ke "Firmware List" , dan cursor kat bawah, anda akan jumpa lima files kat sini dan focus ke "bla bla bla mem card content" . Tap ke "Delete button" dan space bar, jawab Yes untuk arahan ini.. dan anda akan dibawa semula ke "Firmware List" ..

#6- Didalam firmware list ini, focus pada UDA file phone anda, dan tap ke "Edit button" dan space bar. Next, Tap ke ".. button" untuk brows ke simpanan "Modified UDA file" yang anda simpan didalam Temp Folder..

#7- Setelah anda pilih Modified UDA file tersebut, tap ke "OK Button" dan space bar. anda akan balik ke window permulaan dan tap ke "OK Button" dan space bar sekali lagi..

#8- Window "Firmware Update" akan terbuka. Guna JAWS cursor dan click pada perkataan "Scroll bar" symbol.. untuk buka page arahan seterusnya.

#9- Kemudian tap ke "Refurbish Button" dan space bar untuk memulakan proses flashing..

Apabila flashing firmware bermula, anda akan dengar bunyi seperti "Device" sedang Connect sehingga phone anda restart semula.. Tanda proses flashing firmware anda telah berjaya!

(in between, Buat setting date, time dan Current City .. )

#10- Copy folder "Patches" dan paste kat Memory Card . Kemudian masuk menu\ Application\ Installation Folder\ Rom Patcher +. Select dan tekan Option , cursor ke "All Patches" sub menu dan select "Apply".

Ha! Congratulation! anda telah berjaya hacked phone anda yang "UNHACKABLE" tu! .


Sebelum memulakan proses flashing firmware ini, anda perlu utamakan perkara perkara berikut..

#1- USB Cable didalam keadaan baik dan sentiasa connected.

#2- Batteri phone anda penuh.

#3- Phone anda tidak berkunci (phone lock atau security lock)

#4- Phone anda tidak dalam status "Offline" (ada sim card didalamnya)

*** Untuk semua tools yang digunakan didalam siri "Borak Belalang" ini, jika ada yang masih tertinggal untuk mendapatkannya, sila ambil melalui link dibawah..


atau tanpa prejudice, jika masih tidak dapat , sila email kan permintaan anda kepada saya..

dan seterusnya, tutorial ini sekadar dipanjangkan dengan erti kefahaman yang lebih mudah , dan apa apa saja tindakan anda semua selanjutnya adalah atas risiko diri sendiri ..



" Flashing Firmware " - Siri 3...

Salaam guys, read on and enjoy.. thanks.


Siri 3: Identifying Product Code dan UDA File

Salaam dan selamat sejahtera kepada semua rakan rakan, dan sudah semestinya rakan kongsi yang sentiasa setia dengan slogan " to love is to share". Terima kasih kepada semua, tidak kira sama ada yang berkongsi rasa, berkongsi minda.. dan sokongan yang berterusan untuk kekal berilmu tanpa prejudice!

Untuk siri kali ini, saya ingin mengajak rakan rakan semua mengenalpasti dua perkara penting , sebahagian proses terakhir sebagai persediaan melakukan "flashing"firmware update nanti..

#1- product code

#2- UDA file.

*** Identifying product code, boleh dilakukan dengan dua cara.

#1- dengan bantuan "mata", boleh dilihat didalam slot tempat letak bateri phone kita. Product code ini terdiri dari 7 angka (nombor sahaja, biasanya bermula dengan 05..) contoh, untuk E5 saya ialah 0595444..

#2- melalui ttool bernama Phoenix. *** connect phone kat pc..

1- run phoenix. tunggu seketika hingga screen reader anda sebut "phoenix"..

2- kemudian buka file menu, cursor ke "open product", cari RM-(phone anda( dan tap ke ok button..

3- masuk file menu lagi, cursor ke "scan product" dan select. secara automatik phone anda, contoh E5 saya .. RM-632 042.014 akan Phoenix detect, lihat kat bawah sekali(guna JAWS cursor)..

4- masuk Product menu , cursor ke bawah dan select "production data edit". dan sekarang anda boleh tahu product code phone anda..

*** Identifying UDA file . Secara logiknya apabila didalam firmware yang kita dah install , didalam folder kat C:\ Program Files\ Common Files\ Nokia\ Data Package\ Products\ RM-(Phone anda), akan terdapat bebrapa UDA files. So untuk memilih UDA file yang betul untuk kita modify, kita boleh tentukan melalui Phoenix. *** connect phone anda kat pc ..

1- run phoenix. tunggu seketika hingga screen reader anda sebut "phoenix"..

2- kemudian buka file menu, cursor ke "open product", cari RM-(phone anda( dan tap ke ok button..

3- masuk file menu lagi, cursor ke "scan product" dan select. secara automatik phone anda, contoh E5 saya .. RM-632 042.014 akan Phoenix detect, lihat kat bawah sekali(guna JAWS cursor)..

4- Masuk Flashing menu, cursor ke bawah ke "firmware update" dan select. tunggu seketika dan tap ke "options button"..

5- Tap satu kali ke "Firmware List" , dan cursor kat bawah, anda akan jumpa lima files kat sini dan tengok UDA file pada kedudukan #4..

*** maka itu le UDA file yang tepat , yang perlu kita modify untuk proses "flashing" method -Pre Hacked..

Akhirnya, pergi ke folder RM-(phone anda), dan cari file UDA tersebut, seperti contoh E5 saya, terdapat beberapa UDA files

#1- rm632_042.007_U002.000_prd.uda.fpsx,

#2- rm632_042.007_U005.000_prd.uda.fpsx

#3- rm632_042.007_U009.000_prd.uda.fpsx

dan saya pilih "rm632_042.007_U005.000_prd.uda.fpsx" kerana itu le file UDA yang telah saya kenal pasti ikut step diatas..

*** Copy dan simpan file UDA tersebut didalam " Temp Folder" yang telah saya nyatakan pada siri yang lepas.

Selepas ini, siri terakhir akan menyusul iaitu Flashing ffirmware.. sebelum itu ambil tools kat bawah untuk bersedia serta memahirkan diri terlebih dulu dengan program utama iaitu "Phoenix"..

#1- Phoenix-Plus_2010-48....exe (98.3 MB)


#2- Patches.rar (890 B)


*** Peringatan:

Berdasarkan beberapa testing, ini adalah penemuan saya sebagai langkah mempastikan program Phoenix dan flashing firmware dapat diinstall dengan betul dan berjaya.

Ikut urutan ini untuk mempastikan ketepatan yang maksima didalam proses tersebut.

*** Jika anda belum ada Nokia PC Suite kat PC anda, sila install terlebih dulu.. ambil kat sini,


#1- Install firmware phone anda sebelum install Phoenix.

*** Jika anda menggunakan firmware dari Navifirm, anda perlu install mana mana firmware phone lain terlebih dulu, untuk create path directory kat C:\ Program Files\ Common Files\ Nokia\ Data Package\ Products\

dan setelah proses diatas selesai, anda boleh le copy folder firmware yang anda dapat melalui Navifirm, dan paste kat path directory diatas dan mesti rename folder tersebut dengan tepat ikut RM-(phone anda). Contoh E5 saya ialah RM-632..

#2- Install Phoenix. Bagi penguna AVG 2011, temporary disable AVG terlebih dulu sebelum anda install Phoenix..

Saya telah mencuba banyak kali dan selalu berdepan isu program Phoenix tidak dapat diinstall dengan jayanya bila AVG sedang bertugas. Tidak pula saya dengar ada isu seperti ini dengan anti virus yang lain..

Tetapi jika anda bukan penguna AVG, dan ada isu seperti ini, maka pada pendapat saya, elok juga anda temporary disable anti virus tersebut ..

*** Untuk makluman, setelah program Phoenix berjaya diinstall, anti virus tersebut boleh le di hidupkan semula dan ianya tidak menggangu proses flashing nanti.. tetapi jika tidak, bagi penguna AVG 2011 seperti saya, elok kekalkan untuk tutup saja sementara waktu..

(Jika tak boleh ambil 3 file diatas, dari link yang disediakan, seperti biasa sila email kepada saya untuk mendapatkannya..)

So nak tunggu apa lagi? mulakan le testing anda. Selamat hari Bapa! that's for me, hahahaha!

" to love is to share "

Tuesday, March 8

" Flashing Firmware " - Siri 2...

Salaam guys, read on and enjoy.. thanks.


Siri 2: "Modifying UDA-Pre Hacked File"

Salaam dan selamat sejahtera kepada rakan rakan Warga TSC semua.. Semoga kalian akan terus ceria dan sihat hendaknya, disamping keluarga dan sahabat handai. Apa plan hujung mingggu ni? Jika nak kemana mana tu, pastikan pintu rumah siap terkunci, jika berkereta, pastikan didalam keadaan yang baik.. Ingat! didalam kita bergembira, jangan lupa pada yang berduka. namun keselamatan diri dan keluarga harus le diutamakan.

Dah cuba dapatkan firmware melalui Navifirm? Cukup mudah kan? Atau ada ke yang masih tak faham? Jika ya, tak nak tanya soalan ke? Apa apa pun, kita hanya selangkah lagi nak ke Tutorial untuk melakukan proses "Hacking" melalui Tool bernama "Phoenix"

Tetapi sebelum tu, hari ini kita belajar pula bagaimana nak modify UDA file, satu Pre Hacked File yang diperlukan untuk proses "Flashing" phone yang hendak kita hack. Didalam firmware yang telah siap kita download sama ada melalui,


atau Navifirm..

Namun, untuk tengok UDA file ini, kita perlu lah install firmware phone kita terlebih dulu. Saya ambil contoh untuk E72, RM-530 031.023, maka UDA file tersebut adalah seperti berikut: " rm530_031.023_U000.000_prd.uda.fpsx "

Namun, jika kita teliti didalam folder RM-530, yang terdapat di C:\ Program Files\ Common Files\ Nokia\ Data Package\ Products , akan terdapat beberapa UDA files didalamnya.

Dan untuk mencari UDA file yang tepat untuk kita modify, kita perlu lihat sewaktu kita melakukan "Flashing" firmware update dengan "Phoenix" . ( Bagaimana caranya, saya akan tunjukkan didalam Siri Terakhir nanti)

Jom! untuk siri ini mari kita belajar untuk modify UDA file terlebih dulu. Sila ikut langkah langkah berikut dan simpan tools yang akan kita gunakan untuk proses ini.. Sila ambil tools berikut:

#1- Nokia-Cooker_1.1. Extract dan terdapat beberapa folder didalamnya, termasuk folder Files, Images, Plugins, TestPlugins, NokiaCooker.exe, NokiaCooker.exe.config, ReadMe.txt dan XPTable.dll.. Buka folder "Files" dan pastikan ianya kosong sebelum memulakan proses modifying.


#2- rompatcherplus_2.6. Extract dan terdapat beberapa folder didalamnya, termasuk folder For Advanced Users, For Cookers, For Patch-Makers, LiteVersion, History.txt, ReadMe.txt dan RomPatcherPlus_2.6.sis..


*** Buat satu temp folder, dan masukkan dua folder diatas didalamnya. Kemudian buat satu folder baru untuk simpan "UDA" PreHacked file..

Cara Caranya--

#1- Masuk folder "Nokia-Cooker_1.1"dan run "NokiaCooker.exe", tunggu seketika dan kemudian masuk file menu dan pilih open.

#2- Brows dan cari file UDA yang telah kita simpan (dalam temporary folder) terlebih dulu dari folder RM -(RM phone kita) DI "C:\ Program Files\ Common Files\ Nokia\ Data Package\ Products\ RM-530 (Contoh untuk E72)"

dah jumpa , select file UDA tersebut. *** Jangan tutup window Nokia-Cooker ini..

#3- Masuk folder "rompatcherplus_2.6", buka folder "For Cookers" dan copy semua file didalamnya.

#4- Kemudian masuk semula ke folder "Nokia-Cooker_1.1", masuk folder "Files", dan paste files dari Step #3 ke dalamnya. Jawab replace all untuk proses tersebut.

#5- Pergi ke window "Nokia-Cooker" semula , masuk file menu dan pilih save.. Selesai dan exit dari window ini dan anda sudah berjaya Modified UDA-PreHacked file.

*** Ingat! didalam folder simpanan UDA file anda, selepas proses Cooking, akan terdapat dua files didalamnya. Satu akan ada "bla bla bla _prd.uda_BACKUP_.fpsx" dan satu lagi tidak..

So hanya file yang tiada perkataan "_BACKUP_" yang kita perlu . Untuk tidak mengelirukan, anda boleh lah delete file tersebut yang ada perkataan "_BACKUP_"...

*** Nota: buat sementara waktu , untuk tujuan testing , pilih lah mana mana satu UDA file phone anda...

(dan jika anda tidak boleh ambil 2 file dari link diatas, sila email kepada saya untuk mendapatkannya...)

Selamat berjuang, dan selamat hari kanak kanak sedunia! Bila tu?

"to love is to share"

"Flashing Firmware " Siri 1 - Part 2...

Salaam guys, read on and enjoy.. thanks.


Siri 1: Mendapatkan " Firmware " !

Salaam Warga "to love is to share" .. Sekali lagi kita berjumpa didalam siri Borak Belalang Tutorial" Flashing Firmware" . Untuk siri 1 ini, bahagian pertama telah pun diketahui.. Siri 1.1 , iaitu mendapatkan firmware dari:


so bagaimana? dah berjaya cuba masuk dan testing untuk download firmware phone masing masing? tak ada masalah kan! sesungguhnya, saya tahu anda semua kat sini semuanya adalah advance user!

Well, kali ini saya akan mulakan siri 1.2, mendapatkan firmware melalui program Navifirm ..

Untuk mendapatkan firmware melalui navifirm adalah sebagai alternatif, jika kita tidak boleh download dari:


Ingat! seperti yang telah saya maklumkan pada siri 1.1, antara 3 pperkara yang kita perlu tahu , software version, Type Rm dan Product Code.. sebelum memulakan proses pencarian firmware ..

Sila ikut langkah langkah berikut :

#1- Run Navifirm.exe. bila terbuka, by default kita akan berada di kedudukan " product list box". Tunggu seketika, kemudian Tap hingga ke "Files List Box" Navifirm akan cuba searching Model phone, dan kekadang kita akan berdepan dengan dialog "communication error, bla bla bla", so space bar saja pada arahan "OK" tersebut.

#2- Didalam kotak ini, "Files List Box".. cursor dan cari model phone anda. contoh untuk E72, cari le Nokia E72 RM-530.. bila dah jumpa, tekan enter untuk select.

#3- Kemudian shift tap ke "Product List Box" dan cari software version phone anda. contoh untuk E72 saya , software version ialah 031.023. maka Navifirm akan keluar kan hanya 31.23 sahaja. (Awalan kosong tidak akan disebut.) So tekan enter untuk select.

#4- Tunggu seketika, dan Tap ke "Releases List Box" untuk mencari file firmware bagi phone kita. (Untuk lebih tepat, sila rujuk product code phone anda.)

#5- Bila dah jumpa, tekan enter untuk select. dan tap ke "List Box", akan terdapat beberapa file firmware phone anda yang didalam kedudukan "uncheck". kemudian tap ke "all button" dan tekan space bar.

#6- Tap ke "Download Firy button" untuk memulakan proses download file firmware phone tadi. dan ikut arahan untuk save file tersebut ikut pilihan anda..

Peringatan: memandangkan navifirm bekerja atas sambungan internet, kita perlu sabar melayan kerenah navifirm, tunggu navifirm selesai melakukan scanning, dan ulang proses semula jika kita tidak berada didalam kedudukan yang tepat. contoh seperti info tidak muncul dan sebagainya..

Untuk file NAVIFIRM-TSC, sila ambil kat link dibawah...


atau sila email kepada saya untuk mendapatkannya...

Selamat mencuba dan happy birthday! ATM!

"to love is to share"

Monday, March 7

" Flashing Firmware " Siri 1 - Part 1...

Salaam guys, read on and enjoy.. thanks.


Siri 1: Mendapatkan " Firmware " !

Salaam Warga "to love is to share" semua.. mari kita mulakan siri Borak Belalang Tutorial - "Flashing Firmware"... dengan siri pertama iaitu " mendapatkan firmware phone kita..

Mula mulanya kita perlu tahu apakah software version atau firmware phone kita terlebih dulu. Lazimnya umum tahu, rakan rakan semua pun tahu cara yang sangat mudah untuk tahu software version phone kita. Tekan code ini, "star hash 0000 hash" pada phone kita atau masuk:

#1- menu\ setting folder\ Data Manager\ Device Manager\


#2- menu\ Control panel folder\ Data Manager\ Device Manager\

iaitu bergantung pada jenis phone..

Maklumat berikut adalah diperlukan sebagai panduan bagi kita mengesan firmware yang khusus untuk phone kita. antaranya:

#1- Software Version,

#2- Type RM,

#3- Product Code.

Tujuan untuk tahu 3 perkara asas diatas, adalah kerrana kita memerlukan firmware phone kita sebagai sebahagian tools yang diperlukan didalam proses yang disebut sebagai "Flashing Firmware", dan 3 perkara tersebut akan menentu firmware yang betul untuk phone kita.

dan berikut pula adalah tools ( yang telah kami guna ) yang kita perlukan didalam proses ini. antaranya:

#1- Firmware phone,

#2- Phoenix-Plus_2010-480...exe,

#3- nokia-cooker_1.1,

#4- rompatcherplus_2.6,

#5- Nokia PC Suite.

So didalam siri 1 ini saya akan bahagikan tutorial kepada dua bahagian, cara bagaimana kita hendak mendapatkan firmware phone kita melalui dua kaedah, iaitu:

#1.1- download dari:



#1.2- melalui, navifirm

Untuk siri 1.1 ini, saya akan tunjukkan cara untuk mendapatkan "firmware" phone kita melalui WWW.BLUE-NOKIA.COM ...

Sila ikuti langkah langkah berikut:

#1- masuk link dibawah:


dan tunggu hingga page terbuka sepenuhnya. Bila dah terbuka sepenuhnya, link list dan cari link "enter" dan tekan butang enter untuk masuk.

#2- Tunggu page tersebut terbuka , dan sekali lagi link list dan cari " BB5 Support ", dan tekan enter untuk masuk.

#3- pada page seterusnya, sekali lagi link list dan cari le model phone anda. Contoh: E72.. anda boleh tekan huruf " E " berulang kali, hingga terjumpa model phone anda. bila dah pasti, tekan butang enter untuk masuk.

#4- dan pada page ini yang berbentuk table, tekan huruf " T " dan cursor anda akan focus pada table , yang mengandungi:

#1- Model
#2- ChangeLog
#3- Major/Minor
#4- Version
#5- Data Package

..cursor ke bawah hingga anda terjumpa firmware model phone anda.. saya ambil contoh E72 saya, V031.023, RM530..

Maka saya akan beri tumpuan pada "#1- Model " iaitu E72 (RM-530).. kemudian saya akan lihat pula "#4- Version" iaitu, ada bebrapa seperti 031.023 v6
(EURO), 031.023 v6 (SEAP) dan 031.023 v6 (MEA)..

Untuk contoh E72 ini, saya pilih version 031.023 v6 (SEAP) atau South East Asia Pasific..

Maka setelah pilihan dibuat, saya click pada link " Download "

iaitu " #5- Data Package " didalam table ini..

#5- Bila kita click pada link diatas tadi, kita akan dibawa ke satu page yang menyambungkan kita untuk download firmware yang kita pilih , yang di host oleh 3rd party uploader.. contoh seperti melalui RapidShare!

So, kita cari le link yang membolehkan kita muat turun firmware kita. dan memulakan proses tersebut ...

( untuk makluman, saya tidak ada tatacara khusus untuk pilih link memulakan proses download, kerana setiap host mempunyai cara yang berbeza antara satu sama lain, dan juga bergantung pada Model anda! siapa kah host yang upload firmware tersebut!)

harap maklum! Semoga berjaya, selamat hari Wanita Sedunia!

" to love is to share"

" Flashing Firmware " Siri Pengenalan...

Salaam guys, read on and enjoy.. thanks.


Salaam dan selamat sejahtera kepada semua Warga " to love is to share", semoga hari ini dan hari hari seterusnya adalah hari yang sentiasa baik untuk anda semua..

tiada hari yang tidak sempurna selain dari hari hari yang baik baik belaka. yang tak sempurna hanya le diri kita sendiri, makhluk ciptaan ALLAH S. W. T, sebaik baik ciptaanNYA.. tetapi sentiasa diuji dan terus diuji.. pun begitu kita tidak pulak dihalang dari terus menguji diri sendiri, untuk menjadi yang lebih sempurna dikalangan makhluk ciptaanNYA yang lain. yang baik dikalangan yang baik baik, "the best among the best"!

So, untuk hari ini, sebagai siri pengenalan, saya ingin kongsikan cerita , setelah menguji dan diuji, maka satu penemuan positif telah dapat ditemui dan hasilnya sungguh memberangsangkan. kami BERJAYA!!! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

It's the challenge, the guts that counts, and seperti falsafah, "WHAT YOU KNOW SHAPES WHERE YOU GO" , akhirnya kami telah berjaya juga melaksanakan proses "Flashing Firmware" ..

dan untuk makluman, kami sedar bahawa jika gagal kami akan berdepan dengan masalah "Dead Phone"... usaha itu ibarat seperti " TIKUS MEMBAIKI LABU " , DAN MUNGKIN AKAN AKHIRNYA JADI JUGA SEPRTI " si luncai terjun dengan labu labunya " atau mungkin seperti " Mat Jenin " dengan angan angannya..

namun, seperti pada hakikatnya, sebagai makhluk yang " SEBAIK BAIK CIPTAAN NYA " , bila diuji dan terus diuji, kita tidak harus tunduk dan tunduk mengalah, tetapi harus ikut rasmi padi " SEMAKIN TUNDUK SEMAKIN BERISI " ..

Untuk itu , seperti yang telah diberitahu dulu, saya akan kongsikan penemuan ini , khusus secara " EKSKLUSIF " hanya untuk anda, kita bertaut atas slogan " to love is to share "

Saya akan mulakan Siri "Boarak Belalang Tutorial " ini untuk beberapa siri dan ini adalah siri pengenalan atas penemuan ini.. dan saya berharap , rakan rakan turut serta didalam perbincangan , " Q & A ", untuk mencari keputusan yang terbaik untuk semua..

So untuk siri yang akan datang, rakan rakan bersedia le untuk menyimpan setiap " TOOLS " serta maklumat yang akan dikongsikan dari masa ke semasa, berdasarkan setiap siri "BORAK BELALANG Tutorial" ini...

Harap Maklum dan Selamat Hari Ibu! Haha, setiap hari adalah "Hari Ibu", makhluk ciptaan Allah S.W.T... yang terbaik untuk kita semua!

" to love is to share "

Thursday, February 3


Salaam guys, read on and enjoy.. thanks.

Salam dan selamat sejahtera kepada semua warga "to love is to share" . Semoga hari hari anda semua adalah seceria hujan yang turun membasahi bbumi sepanjang menanti kehadiran tahun baru. Satu tahun baru bagi masyarakat Tiong Hua dinegara kita dan seluruh dunia amnya..

Ah! hujan rahmat .. seperti kita yang perlu minum air tatkala kehausan, dahaga kekeringan dan air diperlukan untuk membasah tekak, membasah tubuh badan yang kering elak dari dihidrasi, lalu kekal tubuh badan yang sihat walafiat agar terus dapat menyumbang tenaga sebagai seorang yang produktif, demi agama, bangsa dan negara.. hahaha, bukan untuk merusuh diluar sana seperrti kekecohan dunia di negara Mesir a.k.a Egypt, sama seperti apa yang terjadi pada Anwar Sadat berpuluh tahun dulu. (hehehe, dah tak ingat berapa puluh tahun)

Namun didalam kekecohan rusuhan, kesulitan orang lain, terutamanya seperti Hosni Mubarak yang sedang dalam dilema, nak jadi autokratik ke? atau kekal bersikap sicular atau berubah menjadi demokratik.. jangan pulak kita menanguk di airr yang keroh. dah le hujan turun tanpa henti sepanjang malam hingga ke subuh , sudah tentu air didarrat, ditanah besar, dirumput kering atau dijalanan yang lengang, air juga tentu keroh sama seperti kekerohan air muka rakyat Mesir yang didalam dilema sekarang ini..

Ah! apa ku kisah! itu mereka dan bukan aku dan rakyat negara ku. hmm, tetapi perlu juga kita kisah sebab kita perlu belajar dari kesilapan orang lain, kita perlu juga belajar dari kemajuan orang lain. maka itu kita semua harus bijak, bijak menilai yang mana baik dan yang mana buruk. yang mana "anwar Sadat" dan yang mana "Hosni Mubarak", agar kita tidak menanggung duka tatkala semua bergembira merayakan tahun baru masing masing, perayaan masing masing, bersama keluarga, ibu bapa .. dan adik beradik, sanak saudara, sahabat andai serta rakan taulan..

Tum! Tum! Tum! kedengaran bunyi mercun berdentum sana sini menjelang tahun baru, itu tandanya kemeriahan suasana dan kegembiraan masyarakat yang meraikan tahun baru ini. dan harapan kita biar le ianya kekal sedemikian bergembira dan bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada, didalam masyarakat majmuk erat sesama kita , tanpa konflik tanpa kekecohan dan bukan meriam atau senapang yang berdentum tatkala semua bergembira...


Wednesday, February 2


Salaam guys, read on and enjoy.. thanks.

Happy New Year! Ha Ha Ha, this greeting should be said a month ago. But I guess it is still not too late for me to wish all friends and readers a very happy new year 2011.. it's better late than never, right! hehehe.

What a memorable moments indeed for me this year. Though was far from family and hometown, I was glad to be in the " LAND BELOW THE WIND ". 31st December 2010 was the moment of truth, which saw " two hearts that beat as one ".. It was since 1987, the first time I laid my footstep here. True indeed, when people mention about the "LAND BELOW THE WIND", it was so amazing.. with the wind blows, early in the morning , cold and shivering all night through before making our way up to the summit of Mount Kinabalu, the highest mountain in South East Asia. Just can't believe our eyes,looking at the sun rise..so beautiful as beautiful and good hospitality of the people and those around.. moments that ought not to be forget!

Well, after 24 years, I am back, still enjoying the good hospitality , though not by her own people but I am happy because "SHE" - (figure of speech) teaches me to be proud of my own country and nature that brought me up to understand about life, the relationship between human and human, human and the environment and not to forget between human and our creator..

Happy New Year! Happy New Year! laughters that shows happiness when receiving the new year 2011. bye bye to year 2010 but Challenges that will come without knowing exactly what they are going to be, either good or bad. But all must always be ready to face " COME WHAT MAY ", we will be there.. rain or shine?

Well guys, it was quite sometime, after the last post in year 2010, that I didn't put my fingers on my cute keyboard. Busy? I guess so but that is life, up and down, here and there.. Well, finally i got the time to spare a little bit though maybe, and for the first time , finally I make it to sent in my first post for year 2011. Hahaha.. now without wanting to let go my fingers off the NetBook keyboard..

What can i say! the fact is the fact, and running here and there, getting hands busy with the new year, more and more challenges will be faced in the next 11 months. But then again , what is near should be settle first before going in to depth . hmmm, greeting I must say to all for the Chinese New Year which will be celebrated tomorrrow, the year of the rabbit, 3rd February 2011.

To all my Tiong Hua friends, near or far, I would like to wish everyone a very happy and prosperous new year. Gong Xi Fa Chai Have a wonderful day and thank you.
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